Monday, April 23, 2012

Thinking About the Future of This Blog

It took me a few days of those unavoidable 'woe-is-me-I'm-not-qualified-for-space-travel-research' blues, but I'm back in the pilot's seat and already engrossed with finding my next potential 2013 adventure. Something has to distract me from writing my thesis, right?

I'd like to first extend a hearty 'Best of Luck' to the 30 finalists in the HI-SEAS program. I will be following along from wherever I end up and possibly providing updates to my readers from my position on the outside. I am also considering applying for the 2014 crew, so any advice for making it to the finalists would be greatly appreciated.

One last tidbit to carry with you to the Red Planet:

On To The Future

My main focus with this blog is still sharing an interest and passion for science. However, I am going to be focusing less on the space and astronomy aspects and more on general science topics. Are you ready to get your biology on? I hope to incorporate aspects of travel and food blogging and I'll have a lot of time to focus on these topics once I graduate. Until that point, get ready for some grad school/thesis writing 'How to...' posts.

Do you have requests for blog topics? Please allow your voice to be heard in this week's poll. The poll is located on top left side bar, and you may choose as many answers as your heart desires. Thanks for your support and advice! If you would like to request topics not on the poll, by all means include them as a comment here!

Be patient with me in the short-term. I'll be playing around with different visual themes and layouts. A new outfit helps when starting something new! I also need to brainstorm for a new name. One that will apply to my blog over the long-term. Again, suggestions are appreciated.


  1. I want green-living/sustainability posts from a science perspective. Co-summer blogging here we come! Also, you will always be on my research team. :)

    1. Have you made any strides towards your own blog? Or waiting until May 12?


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